
Common Health Risks Among Gen-Z and Millennials

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In a community mostly filled with Gen-Z and Millennials, staying ahead can help you tremendously. This goes for hot release sneaker trends and even down to awareness of health. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that no one is safe from health issues. This is true for consumers’ main demographic in the streetwear and sneaker space, as young adolescents and adults have been known to fall into more significant depression during these challenging times. 

Hype is huge in the streetwear space. Sometimes, this can be exhilarating, but it can also lead to quite risky behaviors, from excessive smoking and drinking. This is closely tied with hip-hop culture, leading to possible lifestyles that can be detrimental to one’s physical and mental health in the long run. This is why it is crucial to be educated on common health risks and what you can do to prevent this moving forward. 

Common Health Risks Among Gen-Z and Millenials

Modern youth have been subject to several health risks. According to WHO, around 1.5 million young people between the age of 10-24 have died in the last several years alone. Injuries, violence, addiction, and self-harm are vital factors that lead them to have life-threatening diseases. Millennials today are found susceptible to more health risk factors than ever before, often associated due to the following:

  • Injuries — Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death and disability among the young generation these days. In 2019, there was a record of over 115,000 deaths of young people due to road traffic accidents.
  • Violence — Interpersonal violence is the fourth leading cause of death in young people globally. According to the global school-based student health survey, 42% of adolescent boys and 37% of teenage girls were vulnerable to bullying. 
  • Depression — Depression is another leading cause of illness and disability among the youth. Additionally, suicide serves as a third leading cause of death in people aged 15–19 years. These days, especially since the pandemic, mental health affects many young adults, with 16% of young deaths being caused by mental health issues. 
  • Tobacco Usage — The vast majority of people using tobacco today started below the age of 20. Becoming involved in such behavior early on leads to heart and lung diseases.

Why Early Health Screening Is Important

From alcohol consumption, excessive sugar intake, smoking, and other sedentary habits, the young demographic of 18-35 is falling victim to many health issues. Going for a health screening can help you to be mindful of your health and address bad habits. You can also learn to be warier of things like blood pressure, BMI, cholesterol level, heart rate — all of which can drastically affect your lifestyle later down the road. 

Early Age Detection

Acute diseases can be as dangerous as chronic ones. For example, if cancer is diagnosed early, the treatment can stop the malignant tissue from spreading, resulting in a less painful treatment. As many of us know, the body can better recover from detrimental health risks while we’re young, which is why it’s so important to get early and regular health screenings.

Take Care with GetDoc

As a community predominantly filled with 18-35-year-olds, it’s important to normalize the conversation early. Novelship encourages people to make appointments with their panel clinics and mental health practitioners nearby. Partnering with GetDoc, we aim to encourage the youth to be aware, learn more, and take action today!

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